JELLYFACE works with artists but also works with institutions. For the Centrostudi Gised we designed and produced, in collaboration with Scratchtape, two characters-pillow called HOMUNCULUS for the FIORDIPELLE.IT project. The homunculus is commonly used in scientific disciplines, such as psychology, to describe the distorted scale model of a human drawn or sculpted to reflect the relative space human body parts occupy on the somatosensory cortex (sensory homunculus) and the motor cortex (motor homunculus). The lips, hands, feet and sex organs have more sensory neurons than other parts of the body, so the homunculus has correspondingly large lips, hands, feet, and genitals. If you like these “neurological-pillows” you’ll definitely love the Homunculs Papertoy. CLICK HERE and have fun!
JELLYFACE is also proud to present SQUAREDBOY, a character-pillow made by JELLYFACE for Scotchtapefamily, an art-collective that creates characters by putting adhesive tape on walls, boards or different surfaces. Scotchtapefamily featured the first International Sticker Award Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany. You can have a Squared Boy only for you: there are two colorways, 100pcs grey and 100pcs green. Which one do you prefer?
JELLYFACE is now working on various projects but we also have time for you! There are some works in progress… Stay tuned for news! If you want to see your 3D real character in a Jellyface plush toy style do not hesitate to contact us, we like working with other artists for interesting collaborations.